Panoramic Imaging By choosing a CdTe sensor, which improves the image quality while keeping radiation exposure to a minimum, Genoray has shown that it puts patient's safety first. The CdTe (Cadimium telluride) sensor overcomes the limitations of a CMOS sensor to always produce high quality images. Cephalometric Imaging When compared to the standard scanning method, PAPAYA PLUS has the shortest scan scan time out there. Among patient discomfort, image's swing, and distortion, they are reduced along with the short scan time. Tomography Imaging PAPAYA PLUS added Tomography function and without hardware upgrade and considering of manufacturing of Tomography function; in addition to S/W, PAPAYA provides Tomography image. Minimal investement, Maximal benefit PAPAYA PLUS provides true 3D imaging on a panoramic system, high quality due to statistical reconstruction technique. 3D image have 256 cross-sectional slices having 0.27mm thickness and has FOV 7x7x7cm.