Asepsis automatic control for three handpieces and syringe
Individual non-retracting water coolant controls (55R280)
Standard three-way syringewith autoclavable tip (21R395)
MaxStar arm with air brake and curved connection (51R371)
Stainless steel tray and anti-skid pad (30R573)
Deluxe contoured junction box, includes dual regulators and gauges (54R114)
Wet/dry foot control (55R535)
Purge system
Handpiece Oil collector (045992)
MaxStar post-mount utility center
MaxStar deluxe porcelain cuspidor (44R056) MAX80 only
Timed bowl rinse MAX80 only
Timed cup filler MAX80 only
MaxStar telescoping arm (85R282) MAX81 only
Assistant's standard syringewith autoclavable tip (21R194-1)
High Volume Evacuator and hose (55R411)
Saliva Ejector and hose (55R401)
Self-contained water system (85R398)
Air outlet on utility center3/8" Q.D. (85R365)
Water outlet and flow control on utility center1/4" Q.D. (85R256)
Exteal umbilical (standard length 6') (47R547)