The Assistant Teaching tube allows a second head to be attached to the scope in order for a second person to view the operating surface at the same time as the main user. The tube is attached to a beamsplitter and a binocular or monocular head is then attached.
The beamsplitter allows the light path to be split allowing a video camera, digital camera, or an assistant head to be attached to the microscope. The most common beamsplitter used is a 50-50 / 20-80, which means one side splits the light into 50% to the user’s eye and 50% to the digital camera. The 20-80 is 20% to the camera and 80% to the user’s eye.
Binocular Head
Straight Head - The Straight Binocular Head is fixed in a horizontal configuration. This is used primarily for ENT, Colposcopy, and for the assistant teaching tube configuration.