Fully Automatic Autoclave, Air Pump for Drying with Closed Door
Tuttnauer EZ9 Fully Automatic Autoclave Closed door active drying system to maintain sterility and ensure efficient drying of packs and pouches.
High efficiency air pump circulates air in chamber during drying cycle.
New brighter and easier to read panel.
Program parameters can be customized and stored.
Tuttnauer fully automatic autoclaves fill sterilize, exhaust, and dry at the touch of a button.
Preloaded cycles for unwrapped instruments, wrapped/packs, glassware, and additional drying cycle.
HEPA filtered air circulated in chamber during drying.
Chamber door remains closed during entire drying cycle, which eliminates the risk of airboe pathogens entering chamber and contaminating instruments after the sterilization cycle.
Optional printer available.
2 year parts and labor warranty, 10 year chamber warranty.
Technical Specifications:
Inner Chamber Dimensions (Diameter x Depth): 230x470mm.