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Verathon BladderScan BVI 9600 3D Ultrasound

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Product Description

The BladderScan BVI 9600, with AortaScan® mode, is a portable 3D ultrasound instrument that quickly, accurately and noninvasively measures:

-urinary bladder volume (post-void residual (PVR))
-the diameter of the abdominal aorta

Bladder Volume The BVI 9600:

-Helps diagnose urinary retention and post-operative urinary retention (POUR)
-Evaluate many common urological problems
-Helps prevent unnecessary catheterisation which eliminates unnecessary trauma to patients
-Helps reduce rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (caUTIs)
-Helps ifferentiate between types of incontinence to determine appropriate care
-Helps monitor post-operative recovery
-Improves efficiency of health care professionals by reducing costs and saving staff time

Abdominal Aortic Diameter
The BVI 9600:

-Provides a measurement of the abdominal aortic diameter to help physicians identify the presence of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)
-Does not require a sonographer to take the measurement


-Quick and accurate measurements
-Distinct scan modes for men, women (bladder volume)
-Easy to use, lea and teach.
  - No sonographer required
  - Built-in video tutorials to assist in training staff
-Precision aiming ability via monitor and Probe
-Easy-to-use, ergonomically designed, hand-held Probe
-Compact monitor with:
  - Colour LCD screen that tilts for easy reading
  - Brightness controls
  - Built-in printer for patient records
-Savings calculator tracks instrument usage, urinary catheterisations avoided and UTI costs saved
-Voice-annotation for exams to ensure valuable patient/exam data is retained
-Can wirelessly upload exams to ScanPoint® 3.0 image management technology for transfer to Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs)
-Calibration and software upgrades may be performed online using ScanPoint
-Reliable. Durable design
-Portable. Optional trolley with locking wheel for easy mobility
-Battery charger and wireless hub for data transmission
-2 batteries provided for continuous use
-Sontac® ultrasound gel and printer paper included
-Educational training pack
-Fully KSF aligned initial in-service training
-One-year warranty


NeuralHarmonics® - New technology in the science of ultrasound

NeuralHarmonics enables quick and more accurate measurements than conventional two-dimensional ultrasound.
In bladder volume measurements, a unique second harmonic differentiates the bladder, urine and hypo-echogenic regions such as the uterus. This results in a better analysis, a faster answer, and a more accurate measurement from the device.

BladderScan is quick and easy to use. When the user releases the scan button, within seconds, the instrument measures ultrasonic reflections on multiple planes inside the body and produces a three-dimensional image. Based on this image, the BladderScan either calculates and displays the bladder volume, or the diameter of the abdominal aorta.

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